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3.4 Bikeways

3.4J Neighborhood greenways: bicycle boulevards

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Bike boulevard

Bicycle boulevards are enhanced Urban Neighborhood streets that give priority to pedestrians and bicyclists.


Bicycle boulevards are enhanced Urban Neighborhood streets that give priority to pedestrians and bicyclists, including traffic and speed management measures such as diverters, speed bumps, curb extensions, median refuge islands, and traffic circles. Bicyclists typically share traffic-calmed space with motor vehicles. Bicycle boulevards are typically implemented with a retrofit project, but may be considered with a full street reconstruction in certain cases. Bicycle boulevards are considered All Ages and Abilities bikeways.

Design Considerations

Traffic calming

Bicycle boulevards should be designed to discourage and slow motor vehicle traffic while retaining local access. A combination of treatments should be considered depending on the current traffic speeds and volumes. Options include:

  1. Traffic diverters designed to allow bicycles to pass;
  2. Traffic circles;
  3. Speed humps or raised pedestrian and bicycle crossings
  4. One-way streets with contraflow bicycle lanes; and
  5. NACTO’s Urban Bikeway Design Guide has additional options that can be considered.


Include crossing improvements for the bikeway at busier streets; options include traffic signals, bicycle and pedestrian safety islands, curb extensions, and/or Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. See NACTO’s Urban Bikeway Design Guide for additional options and details. Coordinate with Traffic and Parking Services to consider appropriate treatments at a given location.

Bicycle improvements

Bicycle boulevards should also make bicycling more attractive, including reducing the need for bicyclists to stop. Typical elements include:

  1. Traffic circles with yield signs rather than stop signs; and 
  2. Bicycle Blvd pavement markings, wayfinding signs, and bikeway street signs; see NACTO’s Urban Bikeway Design Guide for additional details.


Figure 3.4J.1:
Bicycle boulevard example