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3.0 Street Design Guidance

3.3 Boulevards and furnishings

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The boulevard and furnishing zone is located between the pedestrian clear zone and roadway or bikeway zone.

3.3A Boulevards and Furnishings Introduction and general guidance

The boulevard and furnishing zone is located between the pedestrian clear zone and roadway or bikeway zone. This zone provides space for many activities: space for pedestrians to gather or wait for transit, trees, landscaping, greening, furnishings, sidewalk cafes, signs, wayfinding, street lights, street signal infrastructure, utility cabinets, carriage walks, bicycle and scooter parking, charging stations for electric vehicles, and the curb. This zone also provides separation from people walking and motor vehicles.

Designing green and vibrant streets

The boulevard and furnishing zone is critical for providing space for greening and for creating spaces within the public right of way that are inviting, that encourage people to linger and enjoy the city where they live, work, or play. The Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan includes strong policy to promote green, vibrant streets. 

Boulevard and furnishing zone widths

Recommended widths of the boulevard and furnishing zone are included in the sidewalk zone design guidance. Wider boulevard and furnishing zones should be used when feasible to support features that make the pedestrian environment more attractive, support tree health, and maximize green stormwater infrastructure.

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