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Urban neighborhood streets

Park land not public right of way, support recreation and access to natural areas and community destinations.


Parkways are under the jurisdiction of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, typically are considered park land not public right of way, and support recreation and access to natural areas and community destinations across Minneapolis. Many parkways fall within the Grand Rounds parkway system, which is an interconnected system of parkways across the city and is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Parkways were originally planned and designed as linear parks and typically parallel rivers, streams, and lakes. While parkways can be attractive for non-recreational motor vehicle trips, these streets are not intended for through motor vehicle traffic.

Examples include Victory Memorial Parkway, West River Parkway, and Minnehaha Parkway.

Typical Characteristics 


53 miles
Approximately 5% of total street centerline mileage

Right of Way Width

  • Varies
  • Parkway streets are located on Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board property by fee title

Effective Right of Way


Functional Class



Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board



Modal Network

All Ages and Abilities Bikeway Network

Snow Emergency Route

Not typically

Historic Street


Typical Design and Operations

See Street Design Guidance chapter for more information


  1. Parkways typically provide one 6’-8’ wide pedestrian path in coordination with a trail. The pedestrian path should be separate from the bikeway when possible or part of a shared use path if the separated facilities are not feasible. See trail guidance for more details.
  2. A standard sidewalk is typically only included if there is direct private property access:
    • 6’ typical pedestrian clear width
    • 2’+ frontage width to any obstructions

See sidewalks guidance for more details.

Boulevard and Furnishing

  1. 6’+ typical width, including 14” wide curb
  2. Parkways regularly include opportunities for ecological function, stormwater capture, placemaking elements like benches and art, wayfinding, and act as ecological corridors. 
  3. Street trees and landscaped boulevards should be prioritized to support a park environment. See street trees guidance for more details. Wider boulevard and furnishing zones (park space) should be used when feasible to support features that make the pedestrian environment more attractive and comfortable, support tree health, and maximize green stormwater infrastructure.

See boulevards and furnishings guidance for more details.


For parkways on the All Ages and Abilities bikeway network, see trail guidance for more details. 2-way bikeways or shared use paths should generally be used or 1-way bikeway if 2-way bikeway is not feasible. The trail and roadway can be immediately adjacent or separated by a significant amount of landscape, streams, or topography.


Except for a few locations, public transit is prohibited from parkways.


Not on the Truck Route Network. Trucks and commercial vehicles are prohibited from most parkways. 


  1. Parkway design should discourage through motor vehicle trips by limiting access points, creating tighter intersection geometry, and encouraging slow motor vehicle speeds.
  2. The roadway includes 1- or 2-way traffic and should be limited to one travel lane in each direction.
  3. Standard roadway widths include:
    • 10’ traffic lanes 
    • 1’ “stout” gutter pans (unique to parkways); 2’ catch basins are still preferred
    • 7’ parking lanes (including gutter pans)
    • 6’ or wider planted median
  4. Two-way roadways often include a planted median or divided roadway.
  5. Motor vehicle parking can be provided on one side in some areas. Efforts should be made to prioritize green space.
  6. Lane markings should not typically be included.
  7. Roadway includes unique asphalt red granite chip-seal surface over a compacted based with no concrete.

Design speed

25 or 20 mph

See design speed guidance for more detail.

Design vehicle

Most commonly DL-23, but can also be SU-30 or WB-40 depending on intersecting street and context.

See design and control vehicles guidance for more details.

Control vehicle

Generally Aerial Fire Truck Mid Mount 100.

See design and control vehicles guidance for more details.

Motor Vehicle Property Access

Motor vehicle property access is limited along parkways. New driveways should be limited to locations without alley or cross street access. Driveway or access on and off parkways requires a permit from MPRB.

See driveways guidance for more details.

Intersection Traffic Control

Stop control or signal control

Intersection details

  1. Curb extensions should be used whenever there is parking.
  2. Raised pedestrian crossings should be considered if there is a trail, shared use path, or high-volume pedestrian crossing across a parkway.

Typical Cross Sections

Figure 2.10.1:
2-way Parkway street with trail


Download Figure 2.10.1
