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3.7D Pedestrian crossings

Advanced Stop Bars

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Advanced stop line

An advanced stop bar is a solid white line striped in advance of crosswalks that encourage drivers to stop further back from crosswalks.


An advanced stop bar is a solid white line striped in advance of crosswalks that encourage drivers to stop further back from crosswalks at intersections or at midblock crossings. 

Design Considerations

When to Use

  1. Advanced stop bars are typically installed in advance of:
    • Marked crosswalks at signalized intersections;
    • At midblock pedestrian crossing locations with marked crosswalks;
    • Marked crosswalks where rectangular rapid flash beacons (RRFBs) are installed;
    • Bike boxes to reduce vehicular encroachment into the bicycle queuing space.
  2. Advance stop bars can be considered when turning movements require encroachment into opposing travel lanes. At skewed intersections or space-constrained corridors, accommodating necessary turning movements may require encroachment into the opposing travel lane. In these scenarios, advanced stop bars should be employed to indicate the intended stopping location and allow turning vehicles to complete turns without conflicts with queuing through traffic.
  3. Advance stop bars can be considered at unusual stop locations. At locations where the stop location associated with a traffic signal is different than usual, for example where auxiliary traffic signal heads stop traffic in advance of an intersection; or where the physical conditions fail to indicate clearly the intended stopping position, advanced stop bars may be employed along with “STOP HERE ON RED” signage to reinforce the preferred stopping location.

Striping location

  1. Advanced stop bars are typically striped 10’ in advance of crosswalks.
  2. On unsignalized marked crosswalks on multi-lane roadways, consider placing stop bar 20’-30’ in advance of the crosswalk to improve visibility. Multi‐lane roadways present a unique threat to pedestrians crossing, as vehicles in one lane can block the visibility of a motorist traveling in the adjacent lane. 
  3. When advanced stop bars are employed to accommodate turning movements that encroach into opposing travel lanes, stop control, signage, and stop bar placement must be coordinated to accommodate the anticipated turning movement.