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Curb ramp

Delineator medians allow pedestrians and bicyclists to navigate one direction of traffic at a time when crossing.


Delineator medians utilize plastic delineators or “bollards” to protect pedestrians and bicyclists from moving traffic. Delineator medians allow pedestrians and bicyclists to navigate one direction of traffic at a time when crossing.

Delineator medians provide the following benefits:

  • Create shorter crossing distances for people walking and rolling across the street.
  • Allow people walking and rolling to cross one direction of traffic at a time.
  • Help slow down vehicle speeds by making drivers navigate a vertical element in the street

Figure 3.7H.2:
Delineator medians

Design Considerations


  1. Delineator medians are in the middle of the roadway.
  2. Delineator medians are generally to be used at unsignalized crossings.

    • Delineator medians can be considered at signalized locations and should be evaluated for feasibility due to space constraints and turning movements.

  3. Delineator medians can be implemented at intersections, midblock crosswalks, or trail crossings.

  4. Delineator medians are typically installed at locations with pedestrian and/or bicycle generators.

  5. Delineator medians can be used on roadways with high vehicle speeds.

    On-street parking is typically a trade-off when implementing a delineator median and should be considered during the design process.
  6. See parking and intersetion visibility for additional information.

Bollard type

A non-durable yellow style delineator is to be used.


When feasible, delineator medians should include a striped nose that extends beyond the crosswalk/pedestrian clear zone.

  • The nose does not include delineators to accommodate maintenance operations.
  • A nose can be explored when there is a need to slow left-turning vehicle speeds.
  • Striping associated with the delineator median is not to be placed within the width of the crosswalk/pedestrian clear zone.
  • The length of the nose will be determined by modeling all turning movements to identify the preferred wheelbase route.
  • The minimum length of the nose is to be no less than 5’ to ensure its effectiveness as a traffic calming tool and maintenance needs.

Delineator placement and spacing

  1. Delineators are to be placed 1’ inside from any striping.
  2. Delineators can be offset further to accommodate turning movements.
    • Turning vehicles
      • Delineator medians may restrict turning movements to and from intersecting streets. Designers should consider appropriate design and control vehicles and model all turning movements.
      • Turning movements for bus routes, including dead head routes, should be modeled to determine delineator hardened centerline feasibility and placement.


Delineator medians are to be at least 4’ in width, measured from the medians widest point.


  1. The length of delineator medians varies based on the width, taper, and design speed of the roadway. Designers should work with an engineer to determine the appropriate length of the delineator median.
  2. The minimum delineator median length is 45’, based on the minimum delineator median width allowed, of 4’.


A minimum taper of 10:1 (10’ of length for every 1’ of width adjustment) is required for delineator medians.

  • The minimum taper length required is 20’.

Signage and Striping

  1. When the width of the roadway is 18’ or less, no parking signage is required.
  2. Delineator medians shall consist of a double yellow outline and yellow cross hatched striping.

Incuding other crossing improvements

Delineator medians are to be implemented with marked crosswalks and bikeway crossing markings as appropriate. Designers are also to consider advanced stop bars, permanent curbs extensions, delineator curb extensions, and rectangular flashing beacons (RRFBs) in conjunction with the delineator median.

Installation considerations

Delineators are to be bolted to the pavement per manufacturer specifications. If used on a bridge deck, the delineators are to be adhered with butyl pads.

Maintenance considerations

  1. Due to their exposure and location, delineator medians may require more frequent replacement.
  2. When delineators are routinely missing or damaged, changes to placement and overall design are to be considered to maintain the effectiveness as a traffic calming tool.


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